Thank You

April 26, 2020

Now more than ever, I thank every client, both new and established, for continuing to support my small business; and to show my appreciation, I am offering buy one, give one sessions through Sunday, May 10. When you schedule a session for this year, I will mail you a blank gift certificate for another session. Give it to Mom on Mother's Day or to a friend for their birthday. Give it to an expecting mother, bride, graduating senior. Give it to someone you don't know but appreciate so much, like a healthcare worker, a teacher, a delivery driver, a food worker. All I ask is that you give it to someone who could use a smile. And if you're that person who needs the smile, save it to use later with the people you miss most right now. Click here to make your purchase.

Since the COVID pandemic changed our day-to-day lives, I've been trying to figure out how best to safely move forward for both my family and clients. As I've told my brides, whatever their weddings end up looking like or whenever or wherever they have to be held in order to keep their guests safe, I'm there.

As for everything else for the foreseeable future, I will not be doing in-home or studio sessions, which means we're taking everything outside. Also because of how close people need to be for portraits, I ask that only individuals from one home attend each session. Unfortunately that means large family photos with grandma and grandpa, all the kids, and the grandkids are out right now. I also will not be shooting labor-and-delivery photos and will be ending my practice of shooting senior photos with best friends two-at-a-time. If you're sick or have been around anyone who is, please reschedule.

What will sessions look like? Pretty much the same as before, except that I'll be standing farther away and calling my "big" lens into action. I usually reserve it for weddings because it helps me to get close when I need to be far away, but since that's necessary for everything now, I'll be making it my primary lens for awhile. Will that make my work look any different? I don't think so, but judge for yourself. To practice, I took my kids for a walk on the farm and shot everything below from a distance with that lens. My usual wide landscape portraits will still be a part of every session: I only brought one camera on this walk, so I didn't get any that day. 

Thank you again--truly.

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